Product specs for Agilent Life Sciences G3900-63021

Agilent Life Sciences G3900-63021

Product Description:

Agilent Life Sciences G3900-63021 DB-VRX,30m,0.25mm,1.40um,5975T ColMod

DB-VRX, 30 m, 0.25 mm, 1.40 m, 5975T Column Module

Agilent J&W; DB-VRX 5975T column module, 30 m, 0.25 mm, 1.40 m. LTM column module asembly for Agilent 5975T; includes LTM column toroid, LTM transferlines, cooling fan, cover, ultimate unions and sheetmetal housing.

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Agilent Life Sciences G3900-63021
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