Product specs for Rohde & Schwarz 1329.0214.02

Rohde & Schwarz 1329.0214.02

Product Description:

Rohde & Schwarz 1329.0214.02 Extension to 40 MHz signal analysis bandwidth (software license)

The R&S® FSV and the R&S® FSVA are a family of versatile signal and spectrum analyzers for users working in the development, production, installation and servicing of RF systems.
Its high dynamic range and low phase noise make the R&S® FSVA the perfect instrument for demanding spectral measurements such as ACLR measurements on narrowband signals and phase noise measurements with the R&S® FSV-K40 option. The YIG Preselector Bypass Option B11 provides a wide bandwidth path for input signals above 7 GHz, subsequently allowing for wide bandwidth analysis (up to 160 MHz) at those higher frequencies.

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Rohde & Schwarz 1329.0214.02
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